Updated Dec 13, 2012
All prices are in HKD, for prices in CDN or USD, please email me~
All prices are in HKD, for prices in CDN or USD, please email me~
Price List:
Gentle Cleansing Foam
50mL x 1 = $75
50mL x 2 = $144
50mL x 4 = $280
Gentle Cleansing Oil
5mL x 20 -- $20
5mL x 40 -- $38
5mL x 60 -- $72
5mL x 80 -- $140
Gentle Cleansing Oil and Foam
Gentle Cleansing Oil and Foam
15mL + 15mL x 1 set = $75
15mL + 15mL x 2 set = $148
15mL + 15mL x 4 set = $292
15mL + 15mL x 8 set = $576
15mL + 15mL x 10 set = $700
Balancing Water 滋陰水
15mL + 15mL x 2 set = $148
15mL + 15mL x 4 set = $292
15mL + 15mL x 8 set = $576
15mL + 15mL x 10 set = $700
Balancing Water 滋陰水
5mL x 30 -- $156
5mL x 60 -- $300
5mL x 60 -- $300
Balancing Water 滋陰水
15mL x 5 -- $150
15mL x 10 -- $29015mL x 15 -- $405
Balancing Emulsion 滋陰乳液
5mL x 30 -- $156
5mL x 60 -- $300
Balancing Emulsion 滋陰乳液
15mL x 5 -- $150
15mL x 10 -- $290
15mL x 15 -- $405
Balancing Water + Emulsion
30mL + 30mL x 1 set = $75
30mL + 30mL x 2 sets = $148
30mL + 30mL x 4 sets = $292
30mL + 30mL x 8 sets = $576
First Care Serum 潤燥精華
2mL x 35 -- $214
2mL x 70 -- $406
First Care Serum 潤燥精華
4mL x 15 -- $180
2mL x 70 -- $406
First Care Serum 潤燥精華
4mL x 15 -- $180
4mL x 30 -- $354
4mL x 45 -- $513
4mL x 60 -- $672
4mL x 75 -- $825
4mL x 75 -- $825
First Care Serum 潤燥精華
8mL x 4 -- $160
8mL x 8 -- $304
8mL x 12 -- $432
8mL x 16 -- $560
8mL x 20 -- $660
Herblinic Restorative Ampoule
2mL x 20 -- $140
2mL x 40 -- $264
2mL x 60 -- $372
2mL x 80 --$480
Herblinic Restorative Ampoule
5mL x 1 + 2mL x 4 = 1 set = $98
5mL x 2 + 2mL x 8 = 2 sets = $190
5mL x 4 + 2mL x 16 = 4 sets = $370
5mL x 6 + 2mL x 24 = 6 sets = $540
Revitalizing Serum
Herblinic Restorative Ampoule
5mL x 1 + 2mL x 4 = 1 set = $98
5mL x 2 + 2mL x 8 = 2 sets = $190
5mL x 4 + 2mL x 16 = 4 sets = $370
5mL x 6 + 2mL x 24 = 6 sets = $540
Revitalizing Serum
2mL x 36 -- $209
2mL x 54 -- $302
Revitalizing Serum
5mL x 2 -- $88
5mL x 4 -- $172
5mL x 6 -- $258
5mL x 8 -- $328
5mL x 10 -- $400
Innerise Complete Serum
2mL x 15 -- $112
2mL x 30 -- $219
2mL x 45 -- $319
2mL x 60 -- $415
Innerise Complete Serum
4mL x 6 -- $180
4mL x 12 -- $348
4mL x 18 -- $504
4mL x 24 -- $624
Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Essential Oil
2mL x 12 -- $127
2mL x 24 -- $247
2mL x 36 -- $364
2mL x 48 -- $470
Concentrated Ginseng Cream 滋陰生人參面霜
2mL x 20 -- $140
2mL x 40 -- $264
2mL x 60 -- $372
2mL x 80 -- $480
2mL x 80 -- $480
Concentrated Ginseng Cream 滋陰生人參面霜
5mL x 2 + 2mL x 3 = 1 set = $118
5mL x 4 + 2mL x 6 = 2 sets = $232
5mL x 8 + 2mL x 12 = 4 sets = $456
5mL x 16 + 2mL x 24 = 8 sets = $896
5mL x 24 + 2mL x 36 = 12 sets = $1320
5mL x 32 + 2mL x 48 = 16 sets = $1728
5mL x 40 + 2mL x 60 = 20 sets = $2120
Firming Cream 彈力緊然面霜
2mL x 40 --$105
2mL x 40 --$105
2mL x 80 --$200
Firming Cream 彈力緊然面霜
5mL x 15 -- $225
Firming Cream 彈力緊然面霜
5mL x 15 -- $225
5mL x 30 -- $420
5mL x 45 -- $585
5mL x 60 -- $720
5mL x 75 -- $825
5mL x 75 -- $825
Harmonizen Regenerating Cream
2mL x 4 -- $1002mL x 8 -- $192
2mL x 12 -- $276
2mL x 16 -- $352
2mL x 20 -- $420
Renodigm Dual Care Cream
2mL x 30 --$180
2mL x 60 --$345
2mL x 90 --$495
Renodigm Dual Care Cream
Rejuvenating Eye Cream 閃理眼霜
2mL x 23 -- $129
2mL x 23 -- $129
2mL x 46 -- $249
2mL x 69 -- $345
Rejuvenating Eye Cream 閃理眼霜
3.5mL x 2 + 2mL x 2 = 1 set -- $120
3.5mL x 2 + 2mL x 2 = 1 set -- $120
3.5mL x 4 + 2mL x 4 = 2 set -- $192
3.5mL x 6 + 2mL x 6 = 3 set -- $282
3.5mL x 8 + 2mL x 8 = 4 set -- $448
3.5mL x 10 + 2mL x 10 = 5 set -- $550
3.5mL x 6 + 2mL x 6 = 3 set -- $282
3.5mL x 8 + 2mL x 8 = 4 set -- $448
3.5mL x 10 + 2mL x 10 = 5 set -- $550
Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Eye Cream
2mL x 15 - $110
2mL x 30 - $210
2mL x 45 - $306
2mL x 60 - $396
Snowise Balancing Water 滋晶水
5mL x 25 -- $163
5mL x 50 -- $315
Snowise Balancing Emulsion 滋晶水液
5mL x 25 -- $163
5mL x 50 -- $315
5mL x 75 -- $458
Snowise Balancing Emulsion 滋晶水液
5mL x 25 -- $163
5mL x 50 -- $315
5mL x 75 -- $458
Snowise Whitening Serum 雪映冰肌美白精華 2mL x 25 -- $150
2mL x 50 -- $290
2mL x 75 -- $413
8mL x 2 -- $98 8mL x 4 -- $192 8mL x 6 -- $282 8mL x 8 -- $368 8mL x 10 -- $450 Snowise Whitening Spot Serum
2mL x 12 -- $99
2mL x 24 -- $192
2mL x 36 -- $280
Snowise Whitening Cream
2mL x 20 -- $120
2mL x 40 -- $232
2mL x 60 -- $336
2mL x 80 -- $432
Snowise UV Protect Cream SPF 45
2mL x 20 -- $120
2mL x 40 -- $232
2mL x 60 -- $336
2mL x 80 -- $432
Snowise Whitening BB Base
2mL x 30 -- $150
2mL x 60 -- $285
Snowise Whitening Mask (sheet) 20g x 1 pc -- $80 20g x 2 pcs -- $158 20g x 4 pcs -- $308 20g x 8 pcs -- $608 20g x 10 pcs -- $750 |
Hydro-aid Moisturizing Lifting Cream 水生麵霜
2mL x 30 -- $150
2mL x 60 -- $270
Hydro-aid Moisturizing Lifting Serum 水生精華
2mL x 30 -- $150
2mL x 60 -- $270
Hydro-aid Moisturizing Lifting Serum 水生精華
8mL x 1 + 2mL x 2 = 1 set = $85
8mL x 2 + 2mL x 4 = 2 sets = $165
8mL x 4 + 2mL x 8 = 4 sets = $320
Hydro-aid Moisturizing Lifting Eye Essence 水生眼部精華
Hydro-aid Moisturizing Lifting Eye Essence 水生眼部精華
3.5mL x 1 -- $75
3.5mL x 2 -- $146
2mL x 15 - $110
2mL x 30 - $210
2mL x 45 - $306
2mL x 60 - $396
Hydro-aid Moisturizing Lifting Eye Essence 水生眼部精華
3.5mL x 1 -- $75
3.5mL x 2 -- $146
3.5mL x 4 -- $280
Hydro-aid Moisturizing Lifting Mist
30mL x 1 -- $75
30mL x 2 -- $144
30mL x 4 -- $280
30mL x 4 -- $280
Extra Refining Water 珍雪水
5mL x 80 -- $512
Extra Refining Emulsion 珍雪乳液
5mL x 20 -- $140
5mL x 40 -- $272
5mL x 60 -- $396
5mL x 60 -- $396
5mL x 80 -- $512
Extra Refining Emulsion 珍雪乳液
5mL x 25 -- $175
5mL x 50 -- $340
5mL x 75 -- $495
5mL x 75 -- $495
2mL x 20 -- $172
2mL x 40 -- $336
2mL x 60 -- $492
2mL x 80 -- $640
Extra Refining Serum 珍雪精華
5mL x 2 -- $130
5mL x 4 -- $256
5mL x 6 -- $378
5mL x 8 -- $496
5mL x 10 -- $600
2mL x 80 -- $640
Extra Refining Serum 珍雪精華
5mL x 2 -- $130
5mL x 4 -- $256
5mL x 6 -- $378
5mL x 8 -- $496
5mL x 10 -- $600
2mL x 16 -- $138
2mL x 32 -- $269
2mL x 48 -- $398
2mL x 64 -- $518
2mL x 80 -- $640
Extra Refining Cream 珍雪面霜
8mL x 1 -- $858mL x 2 -- $168
8mL x 4 -- $328
8mL x 8 -- $640
2mL x 16 -- $138
2mL x 32 -- $269
2mL x 48 -- $398
2mL x 64 -- $518
2mL x 80 -- $640
3mL x 2 + 2mL x 4 = 2 set -- $186
3mL x 4 + 2mL x 8 = 4 set -- $364
3mL x 6 + 2mL x 12 = 6 set -- $534
3mL x 8 + 2mL x 16 = 8 set -- $696
3mL x 4 + 2mL x 8 = 4 set -- $364
3mL x 6 + 2mL x 12 = 6 set -- $534
3mL x 8 + 2mL x 16 = 8 set -- $696
3mL x 10 + 2mL x 20 = 10 set -- $850

Skin Clarifying Mask 玉容面膜
Extra Refining Eye Cream 珍雪眼霜 (tube)
3mL x 2 -- $118
3mL x 4 -- $232
3mL x 6 -- $342
3mL x 8 -- $448
3mL x 10 -- $550
Skin Clarifying Mask 玉容面膜
5mL x 18 -- $90
5mL x 36 -- $176
5mL x 54 -- $254
5mL x 72 -- $324
Skin Clarifying Mask 玉容面膜
30mL x 2 + 5mL x 6 = 2 sets = $176
30mL x 4 + 5mL x 12 = 4 sets = $348
30mL x 6 + 5mL x 18 = 6 sets = $510
White Ginseng Brightening Mask
5mL x 25 -- $135
5mL x 50 -- $250
Overnight Vitalizing Treatment
5mL x 20 -- $99
5mL x 40 -- $190
5mL x 60 -- $270
Overnight Vitalizing Treatment
15mL x 3 -- $105
15mL x 6 -- $204
15mL x 9 -- $288
15mL x 12 -- $360
Restoring Neck Cream
2mL x 11 -- $77
2mL x 22 -- $150
2mL x 33 -- $218
2mL x 44 -- $282
2mL x 22 -- $150
2mL x 33 -- $218
2mL x 44 -- $282
Essentrue Body Serum
Lumitouch Base Cream SPF20, PA++
2mL x 10 -- $75
2mL x 20 -- $148
2mL x 30 -- $216
2mL x 40 -- $280
Lumitouch Foundation Liquid, SPF 15, PA+ (No. 21)
2mL x 8 -- $72
2mL x 16 -- $143
2mL x 24 -- $211
Lumitouch Foundation Liquid, SPF 15, PA+ (No. 25)
2mL x 10 -- $75
2mL x 20 -- $148
2mL x 30 -- $216
2mL x 40 -- $280
Lumitouch Base Liquid, SPF 15, PA+ (No. 40)
2mL x 10 -- $75
2mL x 20 -- $148
2mL x 30 -- $216
2mL x 40 -- $280
Lumitouch Base Liquid, SPF 15, PA+ (No. 60)
2mL x 10 -- $75
2mL x 20 -- $148
2mL x 30 -- $216
2mL x 40 -- $280
5mL x 25 -- $100
5mL x 50 -- $190
5mL x 75 -- $270
5mL x 75 -- $270
2mL x 10 -- $75
2mL x 20 -- $148
2mL x 30 -- $216
2mL x 40 -- $280
Lumitouch Foundation Liquid, SPF 15, PA+ (No. 21)
2mL x 8 -- $72
2mL x 16 -- $143
2mL x 24 -- $211
Lumitouch Foundation Liquid, SPF 15, PA+ (No. 25)
2mL x 10 -- $75
2mL x 20 -- $148
2mL x 30 -- $216
2mL x 40 -- $280
Lumitouch Base Liquid, SPF 15, PA+ (No. 40)
2mL x 10 -- $75
2mL x 20 -- $148
2mL x 30 -- $216
2mL x 40 -- $280
Lumitouch Base Liquid, SPF 15, PA+ (No. 60)
2mL x 10 -- $75
2mL x 20 -- $148
2mL x 30 -- $216
2mL x 40 -- $280
Lumitouch Multi Base, SPF 50+, PA+++ (BB Cream, No. 1)
2mL x 10 -- $75
2mL x 20 -- $148
2mL x 30 -- $216
2mL x 40 -- $280
2mL x 20 -- $148
2mL x 30 -- $216
2mL x 40 -- $280
Lumitouch Multi Base, SPF 50+, PA+++ (BB Cream, No. 2)
2mL x 10 -- $75
2mL x 20 -- $148
2mL x 30 -- $216
2mL x 40 -- $280
2mL x 20 -- $148
2mL x 30 -- $216
2mL x 40 -- $280
Essential Skin Refiner + Moisturizing Fluid (for men)
5mL + 5mL x 5 sets -- $77
5mL + 5mL x 10 sets -- $152
5mL + 5mL x 15 sets -- $225
5mL + 5mL x 25 sets -- $370
5mL + 5mL x 40 sets -- $584
5mL + 5mL x 40 sets -- $584
Energizing Cream
2mL x 20 -- $120
2mL x 40 -- $230
2mL x 60 -- $330
Energizing Cream
5mL x 2 -- $80
5mL x 4 -- $158
5mL x 6 -- $468
5mL x 8 -- $616
2mL x 60 -- $330
Energizing Cream
5mL x 2 -- $80
5mL x 4 -- $158
5mL x 6 -- $468
5mL x 8 -- $616
5mL x 2 -- $80
5mL x 4 -- $158
5mL x 6 -- $468
5mL x 8 -- $616
shipping extra ~
Before you order, please read
Please email your order to koyuki.palace@gmail.com
Hi, 想問如果訂雪花秀 SAMPLE的話, 郵費係點, 係咪由韓國寄來, 定香港寄來, 點樣比錢呀? 煩請回覆. 係咪都係31/7前訂?
ReplyDeleteThank you
ReplyDeletei am interested to purchase the below item:
ReplyDelete1)Overnight Vitalizing 與潤面膜 15mL x 4 $84
2)First Care Serum 潤燥精華 8ml x 1 $42
Basic Set #1 $10
Balancing Water 滋陰水 5mL
Balancing Emulsion 滋陰乳液 5mL
Please let me know how much for the shippment cost & payment method, thanks!
We will email to me via wong.avis@yahoo.com.hk
請問, 我都想買雪花秀啊, 幾時可以再訂.
我想要水生精華 1.5ml x 5=HK$53
請問水生面霜有冇5ml裝 ?
ReplyDelete我想買 Lifting Cream 彈力緊然面霜 5mL x 12 $192
ReplyDelete請問連同所有費用後 , 合共需付多少 ?
請問郵寄及掛號的費用會相差多少 ?
請問是否由韓國直接寄到我家呢 ?
我想買Extra Refining Set #1 $325
ReplyDelete請問連同所有費用後 , 合共需付多少 ?
幾耐會收到? 請覆 kerrylam411@gmail.com
我想買Extra Refining Set #1 $325
ReplyDeleteClear Mask 玉容面膜
Herblinic Serum 明偉草精華
7mL x 1 $125
Herb Soap 宮中蜜皂 70g $65
請問連同所有費用後 , 合共需付多少 ?
幾耐會收到? 請覆 conniechiu119@gmail.com
anybody can reply my email
HI I AM 34 COMBINATION TO DRY SKIN ..WHICH LINE IS MORE SUITABLE FOR ME?the Extra Refining LINES or the special line?and can u tell me the shipping cost?and how many days i can receive my skin care?
hi ,it's me again..i want to buy
ReplyDeleteExtra Refining Set #2 $38
extra refining eyecream 1.5mlx5 $53
anti-aging eyecream 1.5mx5 $40
extra refining cream 1.5mlx5 $50
請問連同所有費用後 , 合共需付多少 ?
幾耐會收到? urgent... 請覆 yingying04212000@yahoo.com.hk
are u still doing the business?I sent my e-mail to u three days ago..anyone can relply my e-mail please?
ReplyDeleteI already replied your email =)
ReplyDelete我想買雪花秀 Lifting Cream 彈力緊然面霜 75mL x 3 = USD$53 x3= USD$159
ReplyDelete請問連同所有費用後,合共需付多少? 我住在台灣.
Hi, is the price still vaild? Thanks
ReplyDeleteyes all prices are still valid